Swimming Pool
Rules and information
Lifeguard is on duty from 11:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M., Tuesday through Sunday. Pool is closed to everyone when a lifeguard is not on duty.​
The pool is available for rental. Rental privileges are for members only, however, the guest list may include non-members. Pool parties are for 2 hour increments and cost $100 for up to 25 total guests. If more guests or additional hours are wanted, a surcharge may be applicable. Please contact Veronica Smith at 785-5253 for additional details.
Please sign in with lifeguard immediately upon arrival in pool area.
Children under 12 years of age should not be left unattended at pool. A parent or other adult must always be present.
Bathing attire is NOT permitted on the main floor of the Clubhouse.
Pool will be closed to all local guests with the exception of Wednesdays. WHCC considers “local” as residence of Butler and surrounding counties. All guests must be accompanied by a member at all times and are permitted to swim on Wednesdays only after signing in and payment of $2 pool guest fees paid or charged to member’s account. Non-local guests are permitted to swim Tuesday - Sunday if accompanied by a member and $2 fees are paid. The only EXCEPTIONS to this rule are Grandchildren and Nannies. They are always welcome and free of charge.
Lifeguard has final authority; infractions will be reported to the board.
All food and beverage (except for birthday cake) must be purchased from WHCC Restaurant.
Since our pool is limited, typically only one lifeguard is needed on duty at any particular time. With that said, such lifeguard is privileged to a 5 minute break EVERY HOUR, plus a 30 minute lunch. Please respect that the lifeguard must have an opportunity to have a break when they are the only one scheduled for the entire day. When the lifeguard is on break, EVERYONE MUST BE OUT OF THE POOL. Nobody is allowed to continue to swim while the lifeguard is off duty.